Become a Timpson Content Ambassador Terms and Conditions
Max Spielmann/Timpson Content Ambassador Programme is owned and run by Max Spielmann Limited/ Timpson Limited
To become an Ambassador, you must be based in the UK and aged over 18.
Ambassadors agree to be contacted by email when opportunities for blog posts, videos, photos, PR quotes, and social media takeovers arise.
Ambassadors will only be considered for opportunities if they respond within a timescale stated in the email. Max Spielmann/Timpson reserves the right to decide which Ambassadors are offered which opportunities; it won’t be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Rewards differ between tasks and will be advised as opportunities are announced. Please refer to the rate card provided in the news bulletin.
Max Spielmann/Timpson reserves the right to change the opportunities available and the rewards offered, at any time.
Ambassadors will adhere to the guidelines for content creation, which will be sent via email along with opportunities.
Rewards will be sent out upon completion of the task and can be chosen from vouchers stated when the task is accepted.
We reserve the right to withdraw Rewards if the task does not meet the brief (and is not redone or reshot in a timely manner), misses the deadline or is perceived to be of a poor quality by your point of contact on the Marketing team.
Ambassadors cannot undertake paid/incentivised work for any Max Spielmann/Timpson competitor companies, including Moonpig, Photobox, Snapfish, Getting Personal, or any other company providing similar photo printing products and services.
Ambassadors do not have to be Max Spielmann/Timpson customers in order to work with us.
Application to become a Max Spielmann/Timpson Content Ambassador is open to all UK residents.
Ambassadors can stop being a Max Spielmann/Timpson Content Ambassador at any time.
Max Spielmann/Timpson reserves the right to remove Ambassadors from the programme if deemed necessary.