Required photo dimensions: 35 x 45 mm.
2photos will need to be submitted
Alight-grey, pale-blue or white background is needed for your photos
Head size between 26-30mm (from persons 11 years+).
Head size between 19-30mm (from persons up to 11 years).
Width From inside Ear to Ear between 16mm & 20mm.
Minimum Resolution 400 dpi.
No Manipulation.
Uniform lighting.
The Head needs to be uncovered, with face and eyes entirely visible.
Head centred.
Fully transparent glasses, no shadow or reflection, no tinted lens.
Head facing forward, head not tilted, eyes on a horizontal line, shoulders straight.
No visible support.
Neutral facial expression, looking straight at the camera, mouth closed.
No shadow on face or background, no reflection on the face.
Some exceptions for religious head coverings, and for applicants younger than six.
In the case of babies, eyes must be open
Head size between 30mm.
The photograph should be in colour.
Clear share quality and with the face in focus.
Printed on normal photographic paper (camera print).
Full face, non-smiling.
Without sunglasses.
Head Covering for religious reasons only.
The Embassy does not process Visa’s anymore, it is done by VFS.
Dimensions : 35mm x 45mm
Background Requirements: light background: white or off-white