Required photo dimensions: 35 x 45 mm.
3 photos will need to be submitted
A white background is needed for your photos

The photos should be identical and taken within the last 6 months
The Photos should be taken in colour
Head sized to 80% of the image.
Photo must show the full face and upper part of the neck.
From the bottom of the photo to eye line must be between 20-30mm.
features must be clear with no shadowing.
In the case of babies, eyes must be open.

The photos should not be more than 6 months old.
They must be in colour
The photos must be printed of high-quality paper
The person should be looking straight at the camera and both sides of the face should be clearly visible.
The head should occupy about 75% of the total picture surface
The shoulders should be visible
Facial coverings and hats or other headgear are not permitted in the photos
Hair should not cover any part of the face and the eyes should be clearly visible
The mouth must be shut and teeth not visible in the photos
While there is no restriction on the wearing of glasses in the photos, it is preferable to remove them to ensure that reflections do not affect the visibility of the eyes.

Dimensions : 35mm x 45mm
Number of Photos Required : 3
Background Requirements: white background

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