Required photo dimensions: 35 x 45 mm
3 photos will need to be submitted
A light-grey or plain-white background is needed for your photos
Taken during the last 6 months.
The distance from the chin to the top of the head must be between 31mm-36mm or 70-80%.
The distance from the bottom of the photo to the eye line must be between 20-30mm. With good focus, clearly showing the eyes and face with both parties (and face).
The photograph is to present a person without headgear.
Not wearing eyeglasses with dark glasses.
Looking forward with open eyes.
A natural expression of the face and mouth closed.
Taken during the last 6 months On a single clear light grey or plain white background. The distance from the chin to the top of the head must be between 31mm-36mm or 70-80%.
The distance from the bottom of the photo to the eye line must be between 20-30mm. With good focus, clearly showing the eyes and face with both parties (and face).
The photograph is to present a person without headgear.
Not wearing eyeglasses with dark glasses.
Looking forward with open eyes.
With the natural expression of the face and mouth closed.
Please write your name on the back of each photo.
The photos must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photo, and include the top of the shoulders.
For up to 90 days of stay, there are no Slovakia visa requirements for UK citizens.
Dimensions : 35 x 45 mm
Number of Photos Required : 3